Find and Live Your Purpose

Are you feeling like there's more to life? Are you unsatisfied with your current work situation and yearning for something more fulfilling?

Trust me when I say that I've been exactly where you are. For 15 years, I worked in various roles within Paediatric Nursing and Health Visiting, and each role felt aligned with my purpose and mission as a human being. That is, until one day it no longer did.

I remember feeling lost, questioning what I was meant to do next. It took me a while to realise that the anxiety and stress I was experiencing were signs from my soul, urging me to move on. It's important to understand that as human beings, our purpose often evolves as we progress through life. However, it can be scary and challenging to suddenly find ourselves searching for a new sense of purpose.

So, how do we embark on this journey of finding and living our purpose?

Here are a few steps to guide you:

1. Be Yourself and Follow Your Passion: The first step is to be true to yourself and let your passion guide you. Fighting against your natural self will only lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction. Embrace who you are and let your passion be your purpose.

2. Change Your Perspective: Building a positive perspective is crucial when seeking your purpose. Shift your negative thoughts into positive ones and focus on gratitude. Take a moment to write down three things you are grateful for, even from negative experiences in the past. Recognising the lessons your past has gifted you. By changing your perspective, you open yourself up to the possibilities and potential of your true self.

3. Believe in Possibilities: It's essential to believe that there is more for you to receive and achieve. If you limit yourself with doubts and lack of belief, you'll be stuck with what you have. Open your mind to the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

4. Get to Know Yourself and Heal: Often, we live from a place of unhealed wounds and stories that mask our true selves. Take the time to heal and explore who you really are beneath all the layers. Engage in self-reflection, seek therapy if needed, and embrace personal growth. This journey of self-discovery will lead you closer to your purpose.

5. Follow Your Heart's Desires: "I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me” (Top 5 regrets of the dying, Nurse Bronnie Ware). Don't make the mistake of pursuing paths that are merely accepted by those around you. Instead, listen to your heart and pursue what truly lights you up inside.

6. It’s never too late. Remember everything you have done, everything experience that you have had is giving you the life experience, or skills required to live a life with purpose and to help others.

Discovering our purpose can happen in two ways.

1). The first is by utilising the skills and talents we already know we possess to make a difference and change other people's lives.

2.) The second way is by starting to help others and observing what ignites our passion and stirs our emotions. It is through these experiences that our purpose becomes clear.

All studies indicate that people who live with purpose tend to live longer, more meaningful, and more fulfilling lives. On the other hand, living without a purpose is a major cause of stress, anxiety, and depression. Purpose is deeply connected to our hearts and leaves a lasting legacy in a world of transient things.

Often, when we find our purpose, various fears can prevent us from fully embracing and living it. That's where seeking support from a coach or life coach can be incredibly valuable. They provide guidance, encouragement, and accountability to help us overcome fears and navigate challenges. A coach helps us create a plan, holds us accountable, and supports us in challenging limiting beliefs. With their help, we can confidently step into a life filled with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

Remember, finding and living your purpose is not a linear process. It requires patience, self-exploration, and the willingness to embrace change. Trust in yourself, be open to new possibilities, and let your passion guide you towards a life filled with purpose and fulfilment.


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